
Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Thankful for Food- Especially Healthy Food!

Today I am Thankful for the healthy food options that are available. I love that my kids get excited to try different recipes (for this a alone is a blessing!) and eat at cool places with me, especially their love for sushi- one of my favorites!! I am thankful that they help with the planning, shopping and prepping of the meals. Some of the best memories we have in my house are the ones in the kitchen!

I come from a large Italian family and let me tell ya, they know how to eat!! It just comes with the territory I guess... but growing up this way has taught me that food can be so much more than just food- It can be a reason to gather, sit down and talk, (or if you come from a large Italian family, our talking is what most would refer to as 'friendly shouting', lol!)

I hold the dinner time pretty sacred at my house- cell phones get put up, we sit at the table and discuss our day. Since my kids were very little and could just begin to talk we have shared our 'good for the day ' and our 'bad for the day' over dinner. I love this because when friends come over, as they tend to a lot, they know this as a normal thing to do at dinner- what a great communication tool to catch a glimpse inside a little heart!

Food is essential to life for you can't live without it, but healthy food choices make me feel like I have super human powers! Well ok, sometimes it does... most of the time it just makes me feel much better to eat good wholesome food. I love that our bodies are amazing and the food that we eat really does affect who we are. I am thankful for healthy food!

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