
Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Thankful for Struggles

Struggles are not easy and I have been through quite a few, BUT, those very struggles are what made me the 'ME I AM TODAY'! I wish there was a magic answer to speed up a hard time and arrive at the sunshine that lies just on the other side and still gain the mounds of growth that accompanies the trials. The reality is that during the darkness, we have the ability to be reshaped- for better or worse.

Struggles have taught me to rid myself of toxic people, habits, relationships and various other things along the way

Struggles have taught me that no one else is going to do it for me. I have to create my life for who I believe I am designed to be.

Struggles have taught me what is truly important in life: my children, family, friends, and career ambitions and the importance of time.

Struggles have taught me to embrace some of the very qualities that people have had negative issues with like my tenacious, goal oriented, hard-headed energy level to persevere through just about anything.

Struggles have taught me to love in a way that is not dependent upon another person at my side, but a far greater God- the one true meaning of love.

Struggles have taught me to be the friend to those I continue to surround myself with and make memories, whether they are in my life for a season or forever. Some of the greatest memories of my life are with my friends and they have seen me through my darkest struggles.

Struggles are making me the mother I am called to be. I am continuing to learn so much everyday about my beautiful kids and their strengths and gifts. I could not ask for more blessings than I receive through them alone.

Today I am grateful for struggles for sometimes in order to GROW you have to be dropped in the DIRT, covered in DARKNESS and STRUGGLE to reach the LIGHT!


  1. Couldn't agree more. Seems like you have to fight your way up from the bottom sometimes. But when you succeed, it's an amazing feeling.

  2. Agree! Learning a lot in that fight onward and upward! Lessons are sometimes priceless though. =)


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