
Thursday, December 27, 2012

The Day After

Here it is, finally... December 26th! I think I have been praying for this day more than most pray for December 25th. Before you gasp and say something you may rethink, let me start by saying, yes I am grateful for the many blessings I have: my kids, my friends, my family that I really don't get to see, my faith, and of course Jesus' birthday. This is a raw account for my little 'blogging space' and not one I usually allow myself to open up for, but the stress I have felt this year has been daunting. Not much has played out the way it was 'suppose to be' at all. The picture of Christmas was suppose to look very different than the reality, especially for as hard as I've tried to work.

Christmas is a wonderful time to spend with family and friends and reflect on memories and make new ones, to celebrate with traditions and spread some cheer with a special person/family by your side. Well as great as that sounds and as much as I pray for that to be the case again someday, this year was very different... and the last few have been quite rough too. I always knew after my grandmas both passed away things would be different, but had no idea it looked this different! I didn't even have a family gathering to put on the calendar this year!

The mere struggle of robbing Peter to pay Paul only works until you throw something like Christmas in the mix. And heaven forbid a mom wake up extremely sick just 3 days before. (after taking care of a sick, sick kid with the flu for the several days before) Oh and did I mention none of the gifts purchased yet?? Because I was still trying to figure out which bill I could afford to be late on without fear of disconnection. And also when I could be kid-free to cram that shopping in without the very recipients tagging along with me between the two jobs I'm working and very little help from the other parental unit in just taking the kids. So knowing I was scheduled for a paycheck on the 21st I waited to shop on the 22nd when I was off work and kid free. I did NOT plan on waking up sick on the 22nd and to my not-so-surprise, I still had the kids. Is there really a 'kid-free' time to plan on, I think not.

Yes, I have scaled back on the gifts my children receive, but whoever thought up this whole Santa thing needs to be... well, we will leave that alone for now (probably a whole other blog topic, ha!) I have an 8yr old that I could not disappoint with the whole magical lie parents get to play without being hypocritical. So of course I have to milk that opportunity, right?! I not only have to play Santa to her, but also to the 12 and 13yr old because Santa wouldn't dare just come for one and not the others. Now I am having a breakthrough thought as I type this: Gee this is why the older two are so quick to help me keep the Santa thing alive in the house. Duh, they get more presents too... sheesh! 

 Well after running around sick for a day and a half I was graciously sent some 'helper elves' to help wrap the presents that were suppose to be ready for 'delivery' within just a few short hours. Yes it was December 24th, at 8pm, and nothing was wrapped, but hey, at least it was purchased now. So the wrapping party began after I loaded all the gifts up in my car, drove them over to my cousin's, unloaded them, and enlisted her and her two kids  to help me wrap everything, just like they did last year. 

Christmas day held no major plans, well, no plans at all actually. I remember a day of trying to juggle about 5 different stops on Christmas day... and now not one place. So I thought, "It's time for me to take things in my own hands. It's tradition setting time." After all, my kids and I did just collect over 100 coats for the homeless in less than a week. So of course I can create a new Christmas! 

I let the kids just lounge around through the day and play with their gifts while I attempted to set up iTunes accounts and iPods that almost found a free trip through the window! eeek! I ran out for more cold meds/cough meds  and back to make dinner. Nothing fancy by any means, just some spaghetti with marinara sauce and edemame. Of course we had some Christmas cookies too. Then off to drive around for a first annual Christmas Lights Scavenger Hunt! We looked for a big blow up Santa and snowman, light up candy canes, a wreath, a nativity scene, a house with music and light show, an all white light house, an all blue light house and tree out of lights. We successfully finished and before I could announce stopping for hot chocolate, the kids were done... one had to pee, one had already checked out and had ear buds in and the other was trying to show enthusiasm, bless her heart, but the kids were toast. They actually really enjoyed just staying at home and exploring their new Santa-given treasures. So I turned on a movie and relaxed the night away, nursing the sickness that was still kicking my butt, drinking hot cocoa on the couch with my daughters and thanking God that Christmas was almost over! 
~until next year, Merry 'day-after' Christmas!


Saturday, December 8, 2012

The ‘Skinny’ on the Holidays

We have skinny jeans and skinny lattes… and maybe we have skinny lattes to fit into the skinny jeans, but have you ever thought about a skinny holiday? There is so much consumerism around the holidays that it seems to fog up the real meaning of Christmas and spending time with your friends and family. What if you made a commitment to make this Christmas different? What if we thought more about why you were buying a gift for someone that just to check another name off your list? What if you ‘skinnied’ your Christmas this year?

Here are some helpful tips to experience a Skinny Holiday:

·         Review your gift list- who could you create a relational gift for instead of just buying a material item that may sit around their house and collect dust and create more debt for you.

·         Create relational gifts for as many people on your list as possible-  instead of buying a Starbucks gift card for coffee, why not buy a bag of good coffee and attach a note that reads:
o   “This coffee is a gift for both of us. It is to only be made when we are together and for the time it takes us to drink it, we are to share stories and conversation about lives.” That kind of gift would be a lot more meaningful and less bulky on both parties. When we give our presenCE we are giving much greater presents!

·         Consider making a donation to a worthy cause in honor of the name on your wish list this year- Check out Advent Conspiracy. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eVqqj1v-ZBU. Did you know that lack of clean water is the highest cause of death in this world? Did you know that just $10 provides one person clean drinking water for their entire life? Yes, $10 for a life time of clean drinking water. Living Water International is providing gift cards this year for the donations you make in someone’s name. I encourage you to check out http://adventconspiracy.org/ Watch the video- it IS the skinny on Christmas this year!

The story of Christ's birth is a story of PROMISE, HOPE, and a revolutionary LOVE.
So, what happened? What was once a time to celebrate the birth of a savior has somehow turned into a season of stress, traffic jams, and shopping lists.

And when it's all over, many of us are left with presents to return, looming debt that will take months to pay off, and this empty feeling of missed purpose. Is this what we really want out of Christmas?

What if Christmas became a world-changing event again?

Welcome to a season of true giving!

When we worship fully, spend less, give more and love all, we are telling the true ‘skinny’ story of Christmas!

I would be happy to help anyone wanting more information on this. Feel free to email me at vickie.minnella@gmail.com