
Monday, December 15, 2014

Coats for Christmas

Wrapping up the last week of the 3rd Annual

Coats for Christmas Collection 
for the Homeless 

If you have coats to donate please text or call me this week to set up a pick up time. We will deliver a homemade ornament as a way to say THANK YOU for your donation of coats (hats, gloves and scarves are welcome too)

If you need more info email me at vickie.minnella@gmail.com 

All coats will be delivered on Saturday, December 20th to:

First Step Back HomeTo help the homeless and working poor become self-supporting by providing them temporary shelter, food, clothing, transportation, referrals, and various counseling and support.

Together we can make a change!

Merry Chrtistmas!

The WHY behind Coats for Christmas

Why the 3rd Annual Coats for Christmas- In 2011 I faced a homeless situation with my kids. In leaving a short-lived, failed relationship, I had to put my kids and dog in a 16year old 2-door stick shift car that leaked when it rained and died several times a day. We left with the clothes on our backs… and had nowhere to go- completely homeless!

My father graciously took us in and let us live with him for 2 months until I could get back on my feet and rent a townhome in Wentzville again, per my older daughter’s request to go back to her school with her friends she missed dearly.
I had thought since I had already survived a major accident and loss of a baby in 2002, battled cancer while going through a divorce in 2006… to go on to build my own house, buy my own car and put myself through school- completing a 4 year degree in just 2.5 years, graduating cum-laude while raising 3 kids on my own, working full time and volunteering every extra min (PTA President, Volleyball Coach, Cheerleading Coach, Board of Director Positions, etc) I would never face homeless?? In less than 1 year, I had lost my house, my car, my business, and even my grandma passed away that year of 2011- a game changer, tough year for me!

But it can happen to anyone!! This is why we do this- it is a way to give, using our efforts and time to collect coats and warm items to keep others going through hard times warm and hopefully remind them they are loved! Merry Christmas!!

Friday, November 7, 2014

Project Thanksgiving- Week 1

WHAT A BLAST!! Project Thanksgiving is about giving in small, tangible ways to say THANK YOU to our local community, leaders, and friends throughout the month of November- it's about SHOWING gratitude!
This week we:
  • Thanked the coaches at Cheer with a crock-pot of chili and some cookies for dessert... for 'cooking up' some 'sweet' cheer moves!
Pic to follow :-)

  • The Wentzville Fire Department with Hot Chocolate, Marshmallows and York Peppermint Patties... For 'cooling things off' when they get 'too hot'!

  • Our Aunt Rosie Seppelt at Image Makers with a homemade Pumpkin Spice Latte... To thank her 'a Latte' for being a 'cut' above the rest! For cutting/coloring our hair and all the yummy food she feeds us! (and yes I already know that it is supposed to say You're a cut above the rest and not 'Your' in the pic... get over it!! I put these together while I am sitting in a parking lot waiting for kid #2 to get out of cheer or in between taxi-ing kids and working full time, if this is the worst thing to happen I am doing GREAT! lol!) 

  • A 5th grade teacher, Reading teacher,  and choir/harmonizers teacher with a cup and straw with crystal light 'bows'... for quenching my daughter's 'thirst' for learning!

  • We also mailed some homemade thank you cards to special friends with a special handwritten letter of gratitude.

We have definitely been filled with joy this week as we made these deliveries! It really IS the little things in life that mean the most! With a little thought, creativity and love, you can bless someone else in a big way! Check back throughout the week as we deliver more goodies to those around us! 

Join us in our Project Thanksgiving and SHOW your gratitude in small, tangible ways this week. Feel free to share our ideas and be sure to Hashtag #ProjectThanksgiving in your pics on social media and we will give a shout-out for your awesome ideas too!! Together we can BE THE CHANGE this world needs! Happy Thanksgiving Month!!

With love,

Monday, October 27, 2014

Project Thanksgiving

Each month we try to make an impact on the world we live in... especially the community that we do life in. 

NOVEMBER- The Month of

2 GOALS this month:

  • Feed 300 children around the world- You can help us with this one... and WE NEED YOUR HELPto reach this lofty goal!! Share away! You will receive a tax-deductible receipt for every child you feed :-)

As we prep to stuff our faces full of food, we want to impact those who are starving- literally starving, especially innocent children! Help us reach our goal off 300 kids fed in the month of stuffing faces! For just $25 you can feed a child for a WHOLE MONTH!! Could you spare one lunch that your night eat out and give to feed a child for a month?

Email me for more info: RockstarMomLife@gmail.com


  • Project Thanksgiving: Do something tangible every day leading up to Thanksgiving day to actually show we are thankful... Project Thanksgiving! This will be posted blog-style daily beginning November 1st and running through November 26th.

Follow along as we use a little creativity to impact our community in small, practical ways- and jump on board to do something for those around you this month too- I challenge you! If we all do something we will cause a BIG impact and change!

Teachers, School staff, Parents, Grandparents, etc.

Those who help aid our community everyday, Police, Firefighter, EMS, City Leaders, etc.

And many, many more... what are you waiting for? 

Be a blessing this month of gratitude! Don't just say it- DO IT! 


Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Yummy Red Juice- just try it!

Juicing seems to be my family's new favorite 'project' lately. We like to try different combinations of fruits and veggies and even though some look like pond scum, many taste pretty darn good for being healthy!

Getting started with this great trend can seem quite daunting, but don't over think it... and keep it simple. You do not have to purchase and entire produce isle at the grocery store to try this. We usually juice greens but this weekend we tried a new combination that ended up being named our 'favorite' RED JUICE! 

One thing to point out is the difference between JUICES and SMOOTHIES:

JUICE is- extracting the actual juice from fruits and vegetables (not all fruits and veggies can be put through a juicer- i.e. bananas do not work- there is no juice extracted) 
SMOOTHIE is- a thick smooth, drink of fresh fruit pureed with milk, yogurt or ice
Think of smoothies as in a blender. Pretty much anything can be blended. 

The most popular advantage to Juice over a Smoothie has to do with the air created in the process. If you make a smoothie and have tummy discomfort, then juice might be your better option. If you don't skim the frothy part on the top of smoothies (especially when using spinach and kale) it could leave you feeling... well, a little gassy and uncomfortable. Hence the reason juice is gaining popularity.

I have a very basic Juicer- it was no more than $60 and purchased on Groupon but I have also seen in the in Target as well for similar pricing. I went basic to make sure we were going to use it enough to make purchasing a more expensive, fancier one worth it. This one has been great so far and comes apart easily to make clean up easy- which is one of the biggest complaints I hear about this... the time it takes to clean after making your scrumptious juice. Remember- keep it simple! (and cost-effective too)

So, see the black 'trash can' looking attachment on the left of the juicer- it collects all of your pulp and left over material once the juice has been extracted. It's pretty gross, not gonna lie. BUT, if you line that with a produce bag or even a shopping bag beforehand, when you are finished you simply pull the bag out and voila, no need to spend time scrubbing that clean! 

The red juice we make has all items shown above:

  • a handful of kale
  • a handful of spinach
  • 2 apples (I do not core or anything- you can throw the whole thing in)
  • a half of a beet (I cut it in half so you can see how 'blood' red it is. I also add the leaves that come with it
  • 3 little slices of ginger
  • 4 strawberries
  • a broccoli stem
  • lemon wedge with skin/peeling left on

Put all of that through the juicer and I usually finish with just a small amount of water to rinse everything through. Then be pure to stir well (this particular juicer has a part on the inside of the pitcher that detaches and you stir with that, but a spoon works too.

Also if you prefer you can add an ice cube or two and a straw- that's it! 
(my kids request the ice cube as it tend to be somewhat warmer than the smoothies we make with frozen fruit) 

There are so many health benefits to juicing- especially when using organic fruits and vegetables. Don't overwhelm yourself- just try it... and keep trying it. We make plenty that are not so good, but you come across some really good ones too! It's a great activity to get everyone involved in!

Stay tuned for more recipes, especially the green juice you see me post all the time!
I would love to hear from you when you try this one... comment below or find me on twitter, instagram and follow my pinterest boards! 
Post a picture of you with your juice and use the hashtag #RockstarMomLifeJuice 

Thursday, May 22, 2014

Terrible Moms Go To Work

I can think of some terrible things a mother could do, but let me make one think very clear, working is NOT one of them. When working is what provides a life, let alone survival, for your children then it should not be viewed (or talked about) as less than that of a mother that chooses and/or has the financial ability to stay at home with her babies. Let’s agree that being a mom is not an easy job and there are no written instructions on the ‘right’ way to mother- especially when the title is Single Mom.

I have mommy friends from all walks of life: some that stay at home (which is a full time job in and of itself!), some that work from home, some that work part time and some that work full time, some have a nanny, some have a husband, some are single and some don’t even have full custody of their kids. We are all moms- no matter how you view the mommy-scale. Some are in executive roles, some are owners of their own company, some are teachers, some are bartenders and some work multiple jobs.

Thanks to the news, social media and world we live in today, I hear all the time of mothers that do some pretty terrible things… but I have to say, working and having a career life is NOT one of them. I am pretty down to earth in expectations and needs, carefully thinking of my kids in everything I do. I arch my own eye brows, color my own hair, paint my own nails and work out at home to save money. I don’t carry a designer handbag or have expensive jewelry. (most comes from dollar stores or discount places)

My kids have witnessed firsthand what working hard means and achieving goals takes some time, discipline and most of prioritizing. They are stronger and I am confident they will go further in life because of it! 

Sometimes the lessons we want to teach our kids are taught more by the reactions to life experiences than we can tell them. Teaching them how to make choices through adversity is a far greater ‘life skill’ than one can speak of. 

I was recently blessed with the opportunity of a lifetime to take a career step in the Bio-Chemistry/Biotechnology world. After 8 years of raising my kids single-handedly and being super involved with everything to promote and grow-them-up the BEST I possibly could, keeping my eye on a time of less struggles and more financial peace for all four of us, I accepted a job that requires some travel, ok well quite a bit of travel to start.

If there is anything this determined, independent mom has trouble doing, it’s asking for help… from anyone. I have had to learn how to put my pride aside from time to time and ASK a favor here and there of the MANY wonderful friends I have in my circle that always offer. I have also had to learn especially though this opportunity to say no to all of the little ‘proving-points’ I sometimes take on, like volunteering for everything, leadership roles, PTA, side businesses, and many moments with my friends and their kids. Well I still choose to coach a little league team and be a cheer squad mom from time to time… but I am learning to pick and choose- based on what is best for my kids. I make every decision based on what I think, pray, and weigh the pros and cons as the best for me +3.

Probably one of the hardest things for any driven parent is the need to be financially stable and mentally, emotionally and physically present for your family- especially when it is a single parent household. It’s one of the hardest concepts I had to accept- no matter how hard I work at a job, how many hours I put in while kids sleep to make up for anything I lacked during the day, it wasn’t going to matter until my kids were older… I was the one that got called when a kid was sick or hurt, or forgot their homework, shoes, lunch, PE uniform… etc.

 I have sacrificed every career, job and business venture that I have ever built, dreamt, taken on to be there for my kids first, hopeful of another ‘big break’/opportunity down the road when they were older and I wouldn't have it any other way. Priorities are created internally by what we place value on and shown through our actions and commitments.

Of course I wish I could be at home with them full time and carry less of the financial responsibility that is required being a single parent, but for now, I will just  do the best with what I have, never underestimating the importance and power a mother has on her children’s lives.

 “An entire sea of water can’t sink a ship unless it gets inside the ship. Similarly, the negativity of the world can’t put you down unless you allow it to get inside you”

Sometimes, you just have to ride the waves.

Friday, May 2, 2014

Snack For On The Go

Here are some great tips for snacks- travel friendly for those on the go moments from one of my favorite health resources:


Food babe has a facebook page too and is great for decoding those ingredients and maxing out your nutrition!


What are some of your favorite travel- friendly snacks? Please share in the comments!

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Healthy Lunchbox Ideas

Does the idea of packing lunches overwhelm you or just plain bore you? Well here are some ideas of lunches my kids and I have come up with lately that made the 'remake-able meal' category and will hopefully help inspire you to launch your lunchtime in a healthy way! 

We take a picture of what we pack and tweek (that's tweek, not twerk, lol) to our liking, then print the pictures, hole punch and keep on a ring to refer to for ideas and planning. Hope this makes packing a healthy lunch much more appealing- both for your waistline as well as your finances! 

The key is to BE PREPARED:
  • Take a little time each time you grocery shop or designate a specific day to bag up snacks. We have them for both the refrigerator and the pantry- quick and easy to grab is what we are shooting for here.
  • You are more likely to eat healthy and save money when you can grab a healthy, conveniently packed snack to go- so keep this in mind when it seems to be a headache to set up. Also- get those kids to help. Mine actually enjoy measuring out a serving size and bagging! Good family time to prep and teaches the importance of planning and making healthy choices. 
  • Separate snack bags in organizer baskets in the fridge and pantry

We 'Snack/Lunch Prep' once a week to save time through the week- grab and go has never been so do-able! 

Easy snack ideas to pre-package/prep include: 
  • Celery with cream cheese, peanut butter or hummus (use the 2 oz mini cups with lids- pic below)
  • Cheese sticks with almonds 
  • Carrots with ranch or hummus (carrot chips work well too if you want to mix it up a bit)
  • Cucumbers cut length wise with ranch or hummus
  • Trail mix (we make different kinds every week or two)
  • Almonds in serving size bags
  • Cliff bars
  • Fiber one bars
  • Red grapes
  • Green grapes
  • Any fresh fruit (we love the little cutie clementines right now) 
  • Greek yogurt tubes (freeze them too and they stay cold until afternoon snack)
Here are the 2oz cups with lids that I purchase- Line them up and fill several at a time and then throw them in the zip lock baggie with the item being paired

Fresh greens with feta and sunflower seeds with italian dressing in 2 oz cup, clementine, apple, Simply Nature brand (comparable to the Cliff Brand) bar and almonds

Chicken chunks to dip in yummy Chik-Fil-A sauce (use up those left over sauces), celery with organic peanut butter, carrots with hummus, greek yogurt, cheese stick, orange wedge-sliced, and apple
NOTE: This was a lunch, school snack and after school snack

Ham and cheese wrap (we use the Boar's head lunch meat for no preservatives or nitrates), Greek yogurt tube, carrots with ranch, celery with cream cheese, and blueberries

Grilled chicken chunks, celery with cream cheese, carrots with ranch, cheese stick, clementine, apple and edemame- shelled (you can buy these in the freezer section already shelled and they make a GREAT snack and loaded with protein) 

Hope this helps inspire you to think about lunch- and planning lunch in a new way! What other healthy ideas has your family tried? Comment below! Feel free to share on Facebook, Twitter and as always, pin away! I love Pinterest for this type of stuff!

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Make your own tasty vitamin water- quick and easy ideas!

It the new year and at least half the world seems to be on board with eating healthier and getting fit! I have been asked a lot recently, about how my kids and I make our real vitamin water. We have several that we like and make often. These are meant to be EASY- so don't over think it!  

A Few Pointers Before You Begin:
* Be sure to wash your fruit and veggies thoroughly before tossing them into your water
* Shoot for the 12-24 hour range in the refrigerator before drinking- easy to make before you go to bed, then take with you the next morning (12-18hrs after making) or drink that evening (18-24 hrs after making)
* Drink within the first 48 hours to get the most benefits of the infused water and avoid the fruit and vegetables to break down.
* It not necessary to squeeze your fruit into the water- just slice in circles (not wedges) and let it soak in the water.
* Stir gently and strain as desired before drinking, or just stick a straw in it!
* Whenever possible buy organic fruits and vegetables

***Each of these recipes is designed for 2 quarts of water***

Raspberry-Lemon Water- Immune Booster

1/2 - 1 cup Raspberries
1 Lemon Sliced (or a lemon cut in half works too)

Citrus Water- Vitamin C Kicker

1 Orange Sliced
1 Lemon Sliced
1 Lime Sliced

Cucumber-Mint Water- Detox/Fat Flush

1/2-1 Cucumber Sliced 
Several Mint Leaves
A Few Basil leaves- optional

Apple-Cinnamon Water- Metabolism Motivator 

1-2 Apple(s) Sliced (Gala or Red Delicious work best, but feel free to use others as well)
1 Cinnamon Stick

Strawberry-Orange-Mint Water- Energy Punch 

1 cup Strawberries Sliced in Half
1 Orange Sliced
Several Mint Leaves

So, which one of these is your favorite? What are some of the others you have tried? Tell me in the comments below! I would love to hear from you! Be sure to share these with you friends on facebook, twitter and as always- PIN AWAY! 

Raspberry-Lemon Water- Immue Booster (pictured)

1/2 - 1 cup Raspberries
1 Lemon Sliced (or a lemon cut in half works too)

Saturday, January 11, 2014

Meal Planning by Theme

Meal planning is easier when a theme is assigned to each day of the week. Keeping it general, knowing there is always room to deviate when needed, will keep this fun and helpful! There are many advantages to planning your meals each week:
  • Save money by sticking with a list and having a map of what items are needed to execute the plan in the grocery store, along with not eating out because you are down to the wire on time each evening. 
  • Get in shape and save a little waistline if you know what I mean. It's a lot easier to eat healthy when you have prepped your meals and snacks. 
  • Save time by preparing everything once a week. Over a week's time this will add up to more time to do other (more exciting) things throughout the week... or just grab a few more relaxing moments in the evening. 
The biggest thing is to KEEP IT SIMPLE! You can always add as you go through the weeks to come, but for planning purposes, stick with just one new recipe each week so you will stick with the planning part... you don't have to be Betty Crocker to pull this off.

Here is an example of the Theme Schedule I use:
Main Theme
Green Beans/Corn




Green Beans/Edamame

Brown Rice/Quinoa


New Recipe- Try Out

Assigning each day a 'Mexican Monday' or 'Soup and Salad Saturday' will narrow in on the choices while maintaining a good nutritional balance each week. I see it as a helpful outline to an otherwise daunting task.

Make a list of the most used meals each week and start there. Use the easiest meals on the busiest nights. consider all activities and family obligations while doing this. I have a summer meal plan which is different than my school year meal plan due to different schedules. 

I also leave Sunday's wide open to try any new recipe I may have found through the week. This keeps recipe shopping to a manageable task and not as overwhelming. I encourage each of my 3 kids to find one new recipe to try each month... then I, myself, am only really having to find ONE recipe each MONTH! Pretty cool!!

They each get a chance to cook with me weekly but can not weasel out of the one recipe each month. So even if cooking is not their 'thing' they still have to do it once a month. Let's face it, I'm not always going to be there to cook for them so they need to figure it out :-)

Here is a copy of my month at a glance meals:

Week 1
Main Theme
Southwestern Chicken Chili
Blue Corn Tortilla Chips
Tomatoes, corn
Cheese, Sour Cream
Mediterranean Turkey Burgers
Whole Grain Bun
Lettuce, Pickles
Crock Pot Honey Garlic Chicken
Brown Rice
Honey Glazed Carrots
Taco and chili seasoning
White Pizza with Tomato and Basil
Chopped Salad
Cherry Tomatoes and edemame
Parm cheese
Pesto Grilled Shrimp

Black Bean-Quinoa Salad w Basil/Lemon Dressing
Lima beans, carrots, tomatoes

New Recipe
Try Out

Week 2
Main Theme
Turkey Meatloaf
Green Beans

Alfredo Chicken
Pine Nuts
Chili Crockpot- Lean Ground Turkey
Tortilla Chips, Beans
Corn, Diced Tomatoes
Sour Cream
Whole Wheat Penne with Marinara
Poppyseed Salad
Parm Cheese
Peach Mango Tilapia

Homemade Chicken Noodle Soup
Noodles (in soup)
Carrots, Celery, Onion
New Recipe
Try Out

Week 3
Main Theme
Pulled Turkey Lettuce Wraps
Shredded cheese, tomatoes, black beans
Corn, lettuce- shredded and large leaves for wraps
Sour Cream
Grilled Chicken Stir-Fry
Stir Fry Veggies
Crock Pot BBQ Cranberry Chicken
Brown Rice
Honey Glazed Carrots
Taco and chili seasoning
Whole Wheat Pasta Primavera
Cranberry/Almond Salad
Cherry Tomatoes, Asparagus
Parm cheese
Pan Seared Halibut

Grilled Veggie and Hummus wraps
Grilled Veggies
New Recipe
Try Out

Week 4
Main Theme
Tacos with lean ground turkey
Lettuce, Cheese, Blue Corn Tortilla Chips,
Sour cream
Grilled Chicken Teriyaki

Chuck Roast
Carrots, Celery, Onion
Whole Grain Pizza

Maple Glazed Salmon

Tomato Soup with Grilled Ham and Cheese Sandwiches
Multi-grain Crackers
Green Beans

New Recipe
Try Out

This is a whole month of fairly balanced meals! I also have a master grocery list based on the items assigned to each week. I check off the items I already have on hand and take the rest of the list to the grocery store! 

Now try your own:

Main Theme







Hopefully this is a helpful tool to reduce the stress in your busy week!