
Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Healthy Lunchbox Ideas

Does the idea of packing lunches overwhelm you or just plain bore you? Well here are some ideas of lunches my kids and I have come up with lately that made the 'remake-able meal' category and will hopefully help inspire you to launch your lunchtime in a healthy way! 

We take a picture of what we pack and tweek (that's tweek, not twerk, lol) to our liking, then print the pictures, hole punch and keep on a ring to refer to for ideas and planning. Hope this makes packing a healthy lunch much more appealing- both for your waistline as well as your finances! 

The key is to BE PREPARED:
  • Take a little time each time you grocery shop or designate a specific day to bag up snacks. We have them for both the refrigerator and the pantry- quick and easy to grab is what we are shooting for here.
  • You are more likely to eat healthy and save money when you can grab a healthy, conveniently packed snack to go- so keep this in mind when it seems to be a headache to set up. Also- get those kids to help. Mine actually enjoy measuring out a serving size and bagging! Good family time to prep and teaches the importance of planning and making healthy choices. 
  • Separate snack bags in organizer baskets in the fridge and pantry

We 'Snack/Lunch Prep' once a week to save time through the week- grab and go has never been so do-able! 

Easy snack ideas to pre-package/prep include: 
  • Celery with cream cheese, peanut butter or hummus (use the 2 oz mini cups with lids- pic below)
  • Cheese sticks with almonds 
  • Carrots with ranch or hummus (carrot chips work well too if you want to mix it up a bit)
  • Cucumbers cut length wise with ranch or hummus
  • Trail mix (we make different kinds every week or two)
  • Almonds in serving size bags
  • Cliff bars
  • Fiber one bars
  • Red grapes
  • Green grapes
  • Any fresh fruit (we love the little cutie clementines right now) 
  • Greek yogurt tubes (freeze them too and they stay cold until afternoon snack)
Here are the 2oz cups with lids that I purchase- Line them up and fill several at a time and then throw them in the zip lock baggie with the item being paired

Fresh greens with feta and sunflower seeds with italian dressing in 2 oz cup, clementine, apple, Simply Nature brand (comparable to the Cliff Brand) bar and almonds

Chicken chunks to dip in yummy Chik-Fil-A sauce (use up those left over sauces), celery with organic peanut butter, carrots with hummus, greek yogurt, cheese stick, orange wedge-sliced, and apple
NOTE: This was a lunch, school snack and after school snack

Ham and cheese wrap (we use the Boar's head lunch meat for no preservatives or nitrates), Greek yogurt tube, carrots with ranch, celery with cream cheese, and blueberries

Grilled chicken chunks, celery with cream cheese, carrots with ranch, cheese stick, clementine, apple and edemame- shelled (you can buy these in the freezer section already shelled and they make a GREAT snack and loaded with protein) 

Hope this helps inspire you to think about lunch- and planning lunch in a new way! What other healthy ideas has your family tried? Comment below! Feel free to share on Facebook, Twitter and as always, pin away! I love Pinterest for this type of stuff!

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