Here it is, finally... December 26th! I think I have been praying for this day more than most pray for December 25th. Before you gasp and say something you may rethink, let me start by saying, yes I am grateful for the many blessings I have: my kids, my friends, my family that I really don't get to see, my faith, and of course Jesus' birthday. This is a raw account for my little 'blogging space' and not one I usually allow myself to open up for, but the stress I have felt this year has been daunting. Not much has played out the way it was 'suppose to be' at all. The picture of Christmas was suppose to look very different than the reality, especially for as hard as I've tried to work.
Christmas is a wonderful time to spend with family and friends and reflect on memories and make new ones, to celebrate with traditions and spread some cheer with a special person/family by your side. Well as great as that sounds and as much as I pray for that to be the case again someday, this year was very different... and the last few have been quite rough too. I always knew after my grandmas both passed away things would be different, but had no idea it looked this different! I didn't even have a family gathering to put on the calendar this year!
The mere struggle of robbing Peter to pay Paul only works until you throw something like Christmas in the mix. And heaven forbid a mom wake up extremely sick just 3 days before. (after taking care of a sick, sick kid with the flu for the several days before) Oh and did I mention none of the gifts purchased yet?? Because I was still trying to figure out which bill I could afford to be late on without fear of disconnection. And also when I could be kid-free to cram that shopping in without the very recipients tagging along with me between the two jobs I'm working and very little help from the other parental unit in just taking the kids. So knowing I was scheduled for a paycheck on the 21st I waited to shop on the 22nd when I was off work and kid free. I did NOT plan on waking up sick on the 22nd and to my not-so-surprise, I still had the kids. Is there really a 'kid-free' time to plan on, I think not.
Yes, I have scaled back on the gifts my children receive, but whoever thought up this whole Santa thing needs to be... well, we will leave that alone for now (probably a whole other blog topic, ha!) I have an 8yr old that I could not disappoint with the whole magical lie parents get to play without being hypocritical. So of course I have to milk that opportunity, right?! I not only have to play Santa to her, but also to the 12 and 13yr old because Santa wouldn't dare just come for one and not the others. Now I am having a breakthrough thought as I type this: Gee this is why the older two are so quick to help me keep the Santa thing alive in the house. Duh, they get more presents too... sheesh!
Well after running around sick for a day and a half I was graciously sent some 'helper elves' to help wrap the presents that were suppose to be ready for 'delivery' within just a few short hours. Yes it was December 24th, at 8pm, and nothing was wrapped, but hey, at least it was purchased now. So the wrapping party began after I loaded all the gifts up in my car, drove them over to my cousin's, unloaded them, and enlisted her and her two kids to help me wrap everything, just like they did last year.
Christmas day held no major plans, well, no plans at all actually. I remember a day of trying to juggle about 5 different stops on Christmas day... and now not one place. So I thought, "It's time for me to take things in my own hands. It's tradition setting time." After all, my kids and I did just collect over 100 coats for the homeless in less than a week. So of course I can create a new Christmas!
I let the kids just lounge around through the day and play with their gifts while I attempted to set up iTunes accounts and iPods that almost found a free trip through the window! eeek! I ran out for more cold meds/cough meds and back to make dinner. Nothing fancy by any means, just some spaghetti with marinara sauce and edemame. Of course we had some Christmas cookies too. Then off to drive around for a first annual Christmas Lights Scavenger Hunt! We looked for a big blow up Santa and snowman, light up candy canes, a wreath, a nativity scene, a house with music and light show, an all white light house, an all blue light house and tree out of lights. We successfully finished and before I could announce stopping for hot chocolate, the kids were done... one had to pee, one had already checked out and had ear buds in and the other was trying to show enthusiasm, bless her heart, but the kids were toast. They actually really enjoyed just staying at home and exploring their new Santa-given treasures. So I turned on a movie and relaxed the night away, nursing the sickness that was still kicking my butt, drinking hot cocoa on the couch with my daughters and thanking God that Christmas was almost over!
~until next year, Merry 'day-after' Christmas!
A collections of thoughts and snapshots of doing life as a single mom, utilizing the God-given 'caffeine' to create a Rockstar life for me + 3. I hope this brings encouragement as well as truth for other single moms out there just trying to figure this crazy life out. There are good times, bad times and all kinds of other times in between... But at the end of the day, it is up to us to create a Rockstar life! ~V
Thursday, December 27, 2012
Saturday, December 8, 2012
The ‘Skinny’ on the Holidays
We have skinny jeans and skinny lattes… and maybe we have
skinny lattes to fit into the skinny jeans, but have you ever thought about a
skinny holiday? There is so much consumerism around the holidays that it seems
to fog up the real meaning of Christmas and spending time with your friends and
family. What if you made a commitment to make this Christmas different? What if
we thought more about why you were buying a gift for someone that just to check
another name off your list? What if you ‘skinnied’ your Christmas this year?
Here are some helpful tips to experience a Skinny Holiday:
your gift list- who could you create a relational gift for instead of just
buying a material item that may sit around their house and collect dust and
create more debt for you.
relational gifts for as many people on your list as possible- instead of buying a Starbucks gift card for
coffee, why not buy a bag of good coffee and attach a note that reads:
coffee is a gift for both of us. It is to only be made when we are together and
for the time it takes us to drink it, we are to share stories and conversation
about lives.” That kind of gift would be a lot more meaningful and less
bulky on both parties. When we give our presenCE we are giving much greater
making a donation to a worthy cause in honor of the name on your wish list this
year- Check out Advent Conspiracy.
Did you know that lack of clean water is the highest cause of death in this
Did you know that just $10 provides one person clean drinking water for
their entire life? Yes, $10 for a life time of clean drinking water. Living
Water International is providing gift cards this year for the donations you
make in someone’s name. I encourage you to check out Watch the
video- it IS the skinny on Christmas
this year!
story of Christ's birth is a story of PROMISE, HOPE, and a revolutionary LOVE.
what happened? What was once a time to celebrate the birth of a savior has
somehow turned into a season of stress, traffic jams, and shopping lists.
when it's all over, many of us are left with presents to return, looming debt
that will take months to pay off, and this empty feeling of missed purpose. Is
this what we really want out of Christmas?
if Christmas became a world-changing event again?
to a season of true giving!
When we worship fully, spend less,
give more and love all, we are telling the true ‘skinny’ story of Christmas!
I would be happy to help anyone wanting more information on
this. Feel free to email me at
Tuesday, November 13, 2012
Thankful for Struggles
Struggles are not easy and I have been through quite a few, BUT, those very struggles are what made me the 'ME I AM TODAY'! I wish there was a magic answer to speed up a hard time and arrive at the sunshine that lies just on the other side and still gain the mounds of growth that accompanies the trials. The reality is that during the darkness, we have the ability to be reshaped- for better or worse.
Struggles have taught me to rid myself of toxic people, habits, relationships and various other things along the way
Struggles have taught me that no one else is going to do it for me. I have to create my life for who I believe I am designed to be.
Struggles have taught me what is truly important in life: my children, family, friends, and career ambitions and the importance of time.
Struggles have taught me to embrace some of the very qualities that people have had negative issues with like my tenacious, goal oriented, hard-headed energy level to persevere through just about anything.
Struggles have taught me to love in a way that is not dependent upon another person at my side, but a far greater God- the one true meaning of love.
Struggles have taught me to be the friend to those I continue to surround myself with and make memories, whether they are in my life for a season or forever. Some of the greatest memories of my life are with my friends and they have seen me through my darkest struggles.
Struggles are making me the mother I am called to be. I am continuing to learn so much everyday about my beautiful kids and their strengths and gifts. I could not ask for more blessings than I receive through them alone.
Today I am grateful for struggles for sometimes in order to GROW you have to be dropped in the DIRT, covered in DARKNESS and STRUGGLE to reach the LIGHT!
Thursday, November 8, 2012
Thankful for Amazing Friends
Today I am thankful for my amazing friends! I have been blessed by the best friendships anyone could dream of! My friends have seen me through A LOT of trials and have encouraged me and helped me along the way. They pick me up when I am weak and cheer me on when I am strong!
My friends have been my strength through my cancer and divorce which happened to strike at the same time, through a major accident that left me in a wheelchair with very little hopes of ever walking again, a lot of loss: loss of a baby, a business, a house, a vehicle, relationships and even the loss of my grandma... and minus the baby, the rest of that 'list of loss' was all in last year!
True friendship is hard to find in this world. I always strive to be that type of genuine fiend to others!
Sometimes a friend is there to listen and other times a friend is there to scoop you up and carry you for a while.
But in the end a friend never judges you or belittles you. They never wish bad on you or take you for granted. They are there to call out truth and tell you when you are headed in the wrong direction, but loving enough to walk with you if you chose to take the hard way. Friends are the glue of my everyday life and for this I am grateful for all of them!!
This upcoming Spring is a very important time for me to be a friend to one of the greatest friends I have known- my friend Jessica is getting married and I have the honor of being her Maid of Honor! I am so excited and hope to exceed all unwritten rules being the best Maid of Honor- ever!
Thankful for amazing friends!
Wednesday, November 7, 2012
Thankful for Food- Especially Healthy Food!
Today I am Thankful for the healthy food options that are available. I love that my kids get excited to try different recipes (for this a alone is a blessing!) and eat at cool places with me, especially their love for sushi- one of my favorites!! I am thankful that they help with the planning, shopping and prepping of the meals. Some of the best memories we have in my house are the ones in the kitchen!
I come from a large Italian family and let me tell ya, they know how to eat!! It just comes with the territory I guess... but growing up this way has taught me that food can be so much more than just food- It can be a reason to gather, sit down and talk, (or if you come from a large Italian family, our talking is what most would refer to as 'friendly shouting', lol!)
I hold the dinner time pretty sacred at my house- cell phones get put up, we sit at the table and discuss our day. Since my kids were very little and could just begin to talk we have shared our 'good for the day ' and our 'bad for the day' over dinner. I love this because when friends come over, as they tend to a lot, they know this as a normal thing to do at dinner- what a great communication tool to catch a glimpse inside a little heart!
Food is essential to life for you can't live without it, but healthy food choices make me feel like I have super human powers! Well ok, sometimes it does... most of the time it just makes me feel much better to eat good wholesome food. I love that our bodies are amazing and the food that we eat really does affect who we are. I am thankful for healthy food!
I come from a large Italian family and let me tell ya, they know how to eat!! It just comes with the territory I guess... but growing up this way has taught me that food can be so much more than just food- It can be a reason to gather, sit down and talk, (or if you come from a large Italian family, our talking is what most would refer to as 'friendly shouting', lol!)
I hold the dinner time pretty sacred at my house- cell phones get put up, we sit at the table and discuss our day. Since my kids were very little and could just begin to talk we have shared our 'good for the day ' and our 'bad for the day' over dinner. I love this because when friends come over, as they tend to a lot, they know this as a normal thing to do at dinner- what a great communication tool to catch a glimpse inside a little heart!
Food is essential to life for you can't live without it, but healthy food choices make me feel like I have super human powers! Well ok, sometimes it does... most of the time it just makes me feel much better to eat good wholesome food. I love that our bodies are amazing and the food that we eat really does affect who we are. I am thankful for healthy food!
Monday, November 5, 2012
Thankful for My Faith
Today I am thankful for my Christian faith. I have a God that I can turn to in any situation, ask for direction and go about my day in full confidence that He already has a plan for this crazy 'rockstar' life of mine! He works behind the scenes to help me grow and prosper. I am blessed to have a church family that continues to grow more full of friends everyday that walk along side of me; not in front of me nor behind me, but with me.
Friends and Faith are the key elements to my daily walk... every time I get frustrated with life, as we all tend to do, I know I can count on those two elements to lift me up and help me press on- for there is a goal and the goal is God. Through many of my journals and letters I have written with no intention of ever publishing or sharing, I have learned when you lean on firm beliefs and continue to challenge what doesn't feel right- you are enabled through faith to move mountains.
May everything I do reflect unconditional love and healthy boundaries for world to see my true heart- through my faith.
Dear God, I am so thankful for my faith! Love, Me
Saturday, November 3, 2012
Thankful for Goals
So I have been told I am stubborn, persistent, and too 'goal oriented' more times than not. Well here is what I have to say to that:
Either grab your running shoes and join me or get out of my way!
I have a race to run. A race that is set before me and was designed to mold and shape me into the person I am suppose to be. I pray this every night before I tuck each of my children into bed... "mold and shape them in to the person You designed them to be" for this very reason- goals!
We all have them, but it's what we do with them that matters. Do you say,
"oh someday..."
Or do you write them down and let them sit?
Or do you write them down, try it for a day, week or month and then quit?
Well goals are achieved with persistence and endurance. Sometimes it can be a sprint and short term goals are a part of the overall 'marathon' goal. A marathon requires:
So do goals. Sometimes they change, just like the course of a marathon. There are hills and valleys, rivers and desserts, storms and drought... and sometimes even just a silly pot hole that can try to trip you up. But I CHOOSE to stay the course, whatever that might bring and run with endurance! It's not easy and sometimes I want to quit- but being complacent is not my greatest trait- thank goodness!
I am thankful today for the amazing people that have come in and out of my life (both good and bad) to shape my goals and the plan I have to make those goals happen. I agree, I am stubborn, persistent and goal oriented... for I have a race to run that's worth far more than anything this world can offer! I love having goals and hope they work to bring good to more than I can imagine.
Either grab your running shoes and join me or get out of my way!
I have a race to run. A race that is set before me and was designed to mold and shape me into the person I am suppose to be. I pray this every night before I tuck each of my children into bed... "mold and shape them in to the person You designed them to be" for this very reason- goals!
We all have them, but it's what we do with them that matters. Do you say,
"oh someday..."
Or do you write them down and let them sit?
Or do you write them down, try it for a day, week or month and then quit?
Well goals are achieved with persistence and endurance. Sometimes it can be a sprint and short term goals are a part of the overall 'marathon' goal. A marathon requires:
So do goals. Sometimes they change, just like the course of a marathon. There are hills and valleys, rivers and desserts, storms and drought... and sometimes even just a silly pot hole that can try to trip you up. But I CHOOSE to stay the course, whatever that might bring and run with endurance! It's not easy and sometimes I want to quit- but being complacent is not my greatest trait- thank goodness!
I am thankful today for the amazing people that have come in and out of my life (both good and bad) to shape my goals and the plan I have to make those goals happen. I agree, I am stubborn, persistent and goal oriented... for I have a race to run that's worth far more than anything this world can offer! I love having goals and hope they work to bring good to more than I can imagine.
Friday, November 2, 2012
Thankful for my project 365- Happiness
Today for my gratitude journal I am Thankful for my Project 365 that I have been posting all year and the positive change it has made in my ability to overcome one of the hardest years of my life. I believe happiness is a choice and is possible for anyone to have- it's all about choices- everyday, waking up and making the CHOICE to be happy!
At the end of each day I post to my Facebook page something that has made me happy that day... and let me tell you, some days are a stretch to think of even one thing. Let's face it, we all have bad days! But we all have the same 24 hours in a day that everyone else has- so what are you doing with your hours everyday?
Well I am just running a crazy rockstar race, but I am happy while I run with it!
Thursday, November 1, 2012
Thankful for my Family of Me + 3
Today I am starting my November 'Thankful for' Month of gratitude. My family is very important to me and everything I do is with them in mind. My three children have created the first ring of my family and I love them with all of my heart! They are each unique and beautiful in their own way. I get excited when I think of the potential they hold to shape their world and affect so many others along the way.
We entered the teenage years this year and it has been quite an experience, but also left me with a realization/wake up call that training on my part is almost finished... Most of the choices they make are up to them and hopefully the good morals I have instilled will play huge part. There comes a point in time where you can't just pick up your baby, hold them and soothe them until they quit crying over something, or worse- someone. And when you have to step back and let them learn lessons on their own to grow. It's tough, but such an amazing blessing to have in my life. Watching them grow is so much more fantastic than I ever imagined. So very Thankful!
They have learned a lot in watching me... and boy is that a scary thought! I always say my kids keep me grounded. For I would be a train wreck with out them, ha! Some experiences my family has encountered I wish I could erase, but hold confident that everything happens for a reason and we pull good from each lesson. I have also learned a lot in watching them: the way they react, the way they set up a scenario, the way they refer to others, and their very kind, caring hearts! (well most of the time, lol)
Families don't come with instruction manuals and all you can do is try your best, to be your best... and God fills in the rest!
Thankful for my family of me + 3.
Tuesday, October 16, 2012
Organization vs. Disorganization: Where do you stand?
Organization aids peace of mind, creativity and time effectiveness.
Disorganization causes stress, fractured thinking and wasted time.
To stay organized you must develop systems unique to your situation, whether it is handling paperwork, managing email, conducting meetings, using a follow-up file or scheduling in a planner ~ Harold Taylor
Organization is usually one of the hardest areas to experience consistency and most people struggle with greatly. The key is establishing systems THAT WORK. Everyone processes information differently. This will affect the use of time management systems as well. There is no cookie cutter approach.. One size does NOT fit all.
If you find yourself struggling with the consistency of your organizational a systems currently in place (or lacking there of) please let me know! I would love to chat with you!
Connect with me on twitter @VickieMinnella
Happy Tuesday!
Disorganization causes stress, fractured thinking and wasted time.
To stay organized you must develop systems unique to your situation, whether it is handling paperwork, managing email, conducting meetings, using a follow-up file or scheduling in a planner ~ Harold Taylor
Organization is usually one of the hardest areas to experience consistency and most people struggle with greatly. The key is establishing systems THAT WORK. Everyone processes information differently. This will affect the use of time management systems as well. There is no cookie cutter approach.. One size does NOT fit all.
If you find yourself struggling with the consistency of your organizational a systems currently in place (or lacking there of) please let me know! I would love to chat with you!
Connect with me on twitter @VickieMinnella
Happy Tuesday!
Tuesday, October 2, 2012
Blueprint for Success - NACWE Share
Starting a project or task can seem overwhelming but with the proper planning, tools and resources, the result can be life-changing. When we implement organization and task planning into our lives we become strategic about success. Let’s face it, success doesn't simply swoop in and land on too many of us. If we want true success, we have to plan for it.
Sharing a blog post I wrote for NACWE with great principles for everyday success:
We have to:
- Allow ourselves the time to sit and think
- Pray for direction
- Create an action plan… and then you have to MOVE!
To achieve goals, we must work hard. If we believe there is only one way to do things, we box in all the possibilities for life.
We must prayerfully consider the course our life is on and then picture what we want it to look like in a year or two. Then, create and follow a blueprint to make that possible.
“I am certain that God who began a good work within you, will continue His work until it is finally finished. (Phillippians 1:6)
The Bible clearly states that when we seek and plan, He will provide a way. Here are a few areas where success eludes countless women:
- Schedules: Allow time to plan each week and be careful not to over schedule. Plan time to think and pray.
- Household responsibilities: Assign tasks a specific day of the week. For example: Plan meals once a week and then grocery shop for those items only. They do not have to be extensive dinners with 100 different ingredients. Keep it simple, especially on days of heavier activity. Also, it is helpful to do small things each night to avoid a larger chore once a week, like taking 10 minutes each night to run around and straighten up or loading the dishwasher before going to bed.
- Self-Care:- Plan something EVERY DAY to as a reward. This does not need to be a daily trip to the spa, although that would be nice at times, rather a break to read a magazine, time to talk with a friend, or a special coffee treat. As we take care of ourselves, we are better able to give our best to others.
- Exercise: As busy women, it is crucial to set time set aside for physical activity. Exercise can be such a rewarding, motivating feeling and can lend to a higher productivity level in other areas of life.
- Goals: Keep dreaming. God wants to do great things in our lives, but we have to keep expecting to grow, no matter where we are at this moment. Avoid any ruts—we are here for a purpose. Dream BIG!
- Accountability: Find people that will hold us accountable—willing to speak truth and love unconditionally. This may be found in a life/business coach or just a close friend. Connect with other women for support and friendship. Communicate goals with them. We also need to consider our current circle of friends: do they lift us up and offer positive growth? If not, we may need to change our circle of influence. We become who we hang with- even as an adult!
Think outside the box today. Expect great things to happen and you will be surprised how broad your perspective becomes and how much bigger your ‘box’ really is! Plan for the success your life was designed for and “He will complete the good work He began in you.”
Blueprint for Success - National Association of Christian Women Entrepreneurs
Tuesday, September 18, 2012
Schedule Planning Tool
I created this handy little worksheet to help people see where their time was going as well as what goals they wanted to make a reality. This offers a clear picture of what is currently going on and a way to realistically accomplish a bigger picture. This can be used in the present situation or as a goals worksheet for how the ideal time frame would look. This has helped in creating calendars and color coding the calendar through task, takes it one step further. This will also help in time-blocking for the most efficient use of productivity, profitability and performance.
Click the link below and download/print your free copy!
Schedule Planning Worksheet Hope this is helpful! Happy Time Tip Tuesday ~V
Click the link below and download/print your free copy!
Schedule Planning Worksheet Hope this is helpful! Happy Time Tip Tuesday ~V
Monday, September 17, 2012
Actions follow beliefs- a death crawl
There is great power in belief! Your actions will follow your beliefs. If you accept defeat- defeat is what you will get.
There are times in life when the thought of defeat will trigger tears of frustration. What we do with those tears is the essence of our character. Are you willing to give it your best to make it to the end zone? The power is within you- if you believe it!
Watch this short clip from one of my favorite movies for a little motivation this Monday! I post it every year, in some form or another, right around football season for a reminder... Anyone can do the death crawl, but those that push themselves through the weight of others will reach the finish line! ~V
Watch this short clip from one of my favorite movies for a little motivation this Monday! I post it every year, in some form or another, right around football season for a reminder... Anyone can do the death crawl, but those that push themselves through the weight of others will reach the finish line! ~V
Monday, September 10, 2012
Connections Provide Inspiration
There are days that I wonder what the heck I am doing... more
often than I care to admit. Parenting can be hard. Life can be hard. And
parenting through single life can be really hard. Especially on a
career-driven, passion-driven (and I have to keep it real and throw in the
OCD-driven part too) person. I have found one imperative tool to keep my clock
ticking and heart fluttering- CONNECTIONS! Make and keep positive
connections with like-minded individuals. No, not the ‘like-minded,
having the same bad day’ connections, although sometimes I will admit, it is
nice to have those too- keeps things in check and I don’t feel so crazy after
In all seriousness though, I am talking about the connections
you crave with inspiring, uplifting people that will challenge you to think,
make you take a step back from time to time and evaluate the direction you are
headed. Even if your path redirects your route, keep it on the map. Keep all
goals in perspective; for there will come a time to put it all to work. Having
to take a step back over the last year has taught me the real meaning of this:
If something is meant to be, it
will be. But if you are forcing it, then the time is not right and the result
will not fulfill the goal. Let it go. If it comes back after some time, then reevaluate.
Evaluate the pros and cons of the last time. It
is very important to clearly look at what went right as well as what went
about how the goal- has grown and evolved? Is the goal altogether different?
Consult with a few close friends/mentors. Consider
all of your connections. Mix up the pool of people you consult with
Create a clear strategy before attempting your
next try and then give it a shot.
Keeping the connections I met along the way and staying in
touch with an amazing group of women, has keep my spark. They continue to
inspire me on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, email, webinars and even text
messages. I love watching them pursue their dreams but I also like to see how
their paths redirect sometimes too, and more importantly, how they grow through
that time. I have a few friends that I have stayed in contact with that have
grown and been transparent enough that I know success did not happen overnight.
They struggled, prayed, cried, shouted for joy and even waited/reflected for a
time. I am grateful to share these times with them as I lean on them in the
same way.
I found myself listening to a teleseries of very successful women
during my drive time and signing up for webinars that interest me in both my
current career world and the entrepreneurial world again. Although I know the
time is not right for all of it at the moment, I keep myself thinking about the
material I want to offer, the business models to offer it through and the
connections I can help in the process. Even in my present career, “how can I add value to those around me?”
My connections are what keep my mind off of the tough “what am I doing this for” moments and
fixed on the fact that this is a temporary timeframe and this too shall pass…
so I choose to be ready when it does. I also believe God puts people in your
life at the right time for a reason, and sometimes even a season. Be willing to
tune into this and plant the seeds wisely along the way, in order to reap the most
plentiful, overflowing harvest. Connect with game changers, but also connect
with strong friends. (and no I don’t mean the body building type, although if
one happens to get sent my way that comes equipped with an entrepreneurial mind
and can keep up with me- well shoot, I have to take that as ‘seeds well sown’??)

Saturday, September 1, 2012
Pre-Printed Grocery List
Saturday Tip: Hang a Pre-Printed Grocery List on your fridge or inside
of a cabinet to circle food items as you are close to running out of
them. Then each week finish circling the items needed to complete your
meal plan shopping. Happy Saturday! There is also a printable below to download and print.
Pre-Printed Grocery List - Print your free copy here
Grocery List 2012
Pre-Printed Grocery List - Print your free copy here
Grocery List 2012
Wednesday, August 22, 2012
Caring for Produce- Healthy Living Blog
On Wednesday's I always post a 'Workout Wednesday Tip' on many of my social media sources and many times include a nutritional post/picture as well. I came across this gem and just had to share. This is such great info for those trying to accommodate a healthy way of living but still learning along the way. Since I have started eating healthier, exercising and taking better care of myself, I have increased my overall abilities and goals. I feel great and even took on a new hobby of cooking... which was so NOT up my alley anytime before now. Hope you find the below info as helpful as I did- Here's to keeping fresh food in your home longer and extending the 'shelf life' of the money in your your wallet too, lol! Happy Healthy days ahead!
Proper Food Storage: The Ultimate Guide
1. Vegetables
Greens Take off bands holding the greens together. Store in an airtight container with a damp cloth. Spinach should be stored in an open container in your refrigerator’s vegetable crisper.
Onions, Garlic Shallots, Potatoes & Sweet Potatoes Store in a cool, dark & dry place, like a cabinet. Don’t stack onions — they like air circulation. Potatoes can be stored in a paper bag.
Beets, Radishes & Turnips Cut off any greens before storing (see above for how to store the greens). Keep them in an open container with a moist towel in the crisper.
Cucumber, Zucchini & Broccoli Wrap a moist towel around them and store in the crisper.
Asparagus No need to refrigerate if you’re using them within a week. Keep them upright in a glass filled with room temperature water.
Avocado Keep in a paper bag on the counter.
Carrots Keep in an airtight container wrapped in a damp towel.
Mushrooms Take off any plastic wrapping and transfer loose mushrooms to a paper bag. You can also wrap them in a damp towel and store in the fridge. And remember — never wash before storing!
Sweet Corn Don’t store it — sweet corn should be eaten as soon as possible.
Sweet Peppers If you’re using within a few days, keep them on the countertop. If not, keep them loose in the crisper.
Tomatoes Keep them on the counter. Nothing turns a terrific tomato into a terrible tomato quite like refrigeration.
2. Fruits
Stone Fruits Keep on the counter until the fruit is fully ripe, at which point you should refrigerate to prolong their shelf life.
Citrus Fruits Citrus does best in the crisper, not in an air-tight container. Most citrus can be stored at room temperature for several days, however — with the exception of tangerines and mandarins, which should always be refrigerated.
Berries Store in a paper bag in the crisper. Keep an eye out for moisture — berries don’t take well to it. It’s also a good idea to not stack them too high.
Melons Uncut melon doesn’t need to be refrigerated, but should be kept out of the sun. Cut melon should be stored in an open container in the fridge.
Apples Apples don’t need to be refrigerated, but make sure the counter or shelf that you’re storing them on is cool.
Bananas Always keep at room temperature — bananas hate the cold!
Cherries Always refrigerate, ideally in an airtight container. It’s best to store cherries separately from other foods in the fridge, as they tend to absorb odors. Do not wash until use.
Grapes Most grapes come in ventilated plastic bags for a reason — it’s the ideal packing for keeping them fresh. Store in the fridge and wash when you use them.
3. Herbs
Dried Herbs They may look pretty sitting out on your counter, but the best way to store dried herbs is in a cool, dark place — like inside a cabinet. They’ll retain their flavor much longer that way.
Basil To keep basil fresh as long as possible (warning: it can be difficult, no matter how hard you try!), store it loosely packed in an airtight container. Keep a small damp piece of paper inside the container. Basil doesn’t like to be cold, so store it on the counter.
Parsley & Cilantro Cut off the bottom tips of the stems and store in a jar of water, like you would with a bouquet of flowers. Keep the leaves dry. Change the water every few days, and use within two weeks.
Fresh Thyme, Rosemary & Chives Loosely wrap in plastic wrap. Store in a compartment on the refrigerator’s door.
Fennel No need to refrigerate if you plan on using within a few days. Instead, keep upright in a cup of water.
Source: Katie Waldeck, and
Proper Food Storage: The Ultimate Guide
1. Vegetables
Greens Take off bands holding the greens together. Store in an airtight container with a damp cloth. Spinach should be stored in an open container in your refrigerator’s vegetable crisper.
Onions, Garlic Shallots, Potatoes & Sweet Potatoes Store in a cool, dark & dry place, like a cabinet. Don’t stack onions — they like air circulation. Potatoes can be stored in a paper bag.
Beets, Radishes & Turnips Cut off any greens before storing (see above for how to store the greens). Keep them in an open container with a moist towel in the crisper.
Cucumber, Zucchini & Broccoli Wrap a moist towel around them and store in the crisper.
Asparagus No need to refrigerate if you’re using them within a week. Keep them upright in a glass filled with room temperature water.
Avocado Keep in a paper bag on the counter.
Carrots Keep in an airtight container wrapped in a damp towel.
Mushrooms Take off any plastic wrapping and transfer loose mushrooms to a paper bag. You can also wrap them in a damp towel and store in the fridge. And remember — never wash before storing!
Sweet Corn Don’t store it — sweet corn should be eaten as soon as possible.
Sweet Peppers If you’re using within a few days, keep them on the countertop. If not, keep them loose in the crisper.
Tomatoes Keep them on the counter. Nothing turns a terrific tomato into a terrible tomato quite like refrigeration.
2. Fruits
Stone Fruits Keep on the counter until the fruit is fully ripe, at which point you should refrigerate to prolong their shelf life.
Citrus Fruits Citrus does best in the crisper, not in an air-tight container. Most citrus can be stored at room temperature for several days, however — with the exception of tangerines and mandarins, which should always be refrigerated.
Berries Store in a paper bag in the crisper. Keep an eye out for moisture — berries don’t take well to it. It’s also a good idea to not stack them too high.
Melons Uncut melon doesn’t need to be refrigerated, but should be kept out of the sun. Cut melon should be stored in an open container in the fridge.
Apples Apples don’t need to be refrigerated, but make sure the counter or shelf that you’re storing them on is cool.
Bananas Always keep at room temperature — bananas hate the cold!
Cherries Always refrigerate, ideally in an airtight container. It’s best to store cherries separately from other foods in the fridge, as they tend to absorb odors. Do not wash until use.
Grapes Most grapes come in ventilated plastic bags for a reason — it’s the ideal packing for keeping them fresh. Store in the fridge and wash when you use them.
3. Herbs
Dried Herbs They may look pretty sitting out on your counter, but the best way to store dried herbs is in a cool, dark place — like inside a cabinet. They’ll retain their flavor much longer that way.
Basil To keep basil fresh as long as possible (warning: it can be difficult, no matter how hard you try!), store it loosely packed in an airtight container. Keep a small damp piece of paper inside the container. Basil doesn’t like to be cold, so store it on the counter.
Parsley & Cilantro Cut off the bottom tips of the stems and store in a jar of water, like you would with a bouquet of flowers. Keep the leaves dry. Change the water every few days, and use within two weeks.
Fresh Thyme, Rosemary & Chives Loosely wrap in plastic wrap. Store in a compartment on the refrigerator’s door.
Fennel No need to refrigerate if you plan on using within a few days. Instead, keep upright in a cup of water.
Source: Katie Waldeck, and
Thursday, August 16, 2012
Organization for a More Thankful Thursday
Many of us get lost in the fast pace world we live in and wrapped in a cycle of disorganization. With little time to barely squeak by, who has the time to plan and organize let alone map out big goals? Well I encourage you; it is in these very moments that your life depends on it. Your health, your mind, your friends and family around you, even the people you do not know depend on it. When we have order and systems in place to help with smooth transitions we experience more joy, peace and happiness. We are more productive and even friendlier. Really! I'll share a blog with you about a day when I was running my business and feeling a little overwhelmed:
I am dealing with sick kids, school and work, along with a to do list out of this world. However, my ‘to do’ list is organized by:
· Phone Calls
· Errands
· Email/Letters
· Appointments
· Projects
· Miscellaneous Tasks
By setting up my list last night, I have been able to take 10 or 15 minutes here and there to check off tasks one at a time. By organizing my home, office, and car, things run smoothly. Now I am not always like this, don’t let this fool you. I too get off track sometimes. The important part is that I get right back up and start over: no looking back or beating myself up, just a fresh start or ‘re-do on the to do’. I allow myself to slip up every once in a while.
Well as far as today goes, I was able to tackle my day with very little sleep (remember, sick kids = no sleep for the mama) and remain joyful and less stressed. I went to the grocery store to grab a few things and smiled at people I did not know, met my son at the bus stop after school, and even smiled at the lady when she informed me I needed an emissions test before paying for my plate renewal, after I waited in a line longer than the Nile. But I checked a whole lot of stuff off my ‘to do’ list. In fact I have even taken a moment to count my blessings and thank God for them. As I sit here and write this, I encourage you to declutter one area of your life this week to make time for smiles and joy. Map out a plan for just one goal that will help relieve tension in another area and bring a sense of accomplishment to your life.
This is a reminder that everyday we can choose what we become and how are day is positioned by our thoughts and actions. Happy Thankful Thursday!
Tuesday, August 14, 2012
Time Tip Tuesday
Time tip Tuesday: Maintain control of your email
Following an absence from work – either due to illness, vacation or business trip – sort your email by subject. Message chains on the same topic will appear in sequence with the most recent one on top. You can usually get the full picture from this one email and respond accordingly
Following an absence from work – either due to illness, vacation or business trip – sort your email by subject. Message chains on the same topic will appear in sequence with the most recent one on top. You can usually get the full picture from this one email and respond accordingly
Monday, May 14, 2012
Is it ever going to be my turn?
As I sit in bed sick, probably because I have run myself too hard AGAIN... thinking I can fix everything if I just work a little harder and do things the 'right' way, (whatever the 'right' way is) I end up feeling empty and more frustrated than I began setting the unrealistic goals in the first place.
When will we learn to love ourselves for who we are today,
not for who we hope we will become someday?
Sometimes this Rockstar mom needs a little less caffeine and a little more love- SELF LOVE. Mother's Day was yesterday and it took a toll on me trying to run all over picking kids up on a day off, after working a gazillion hours, making my rounds and working around everyone else's schedule, that I was exhausted and wanted the one thing money can't buy- A NAP! When is it going to be my turn to have someone by my side to help me or remind me I am a good mom and my efforts are noticed?? Or the hours I put into working are going to pay off with just a slight hope of financial security instead of the fear I face on a daily basis, trying to figure out what is getting paid and what isn't. Then I think about what I have and what I have made it through- more than where I have to go.
When I did finally make it home, I was so pleasantly surprised by my daughter's efforts to decorate a picture frame and crafts, wrap it all up and surprise me! It suddenly reminded me that I am loved by my sweet kids, even if not always felt. That is when it hit me- They love me for ME- for the me I am RIGHT NOW... they are the very reason I have the title that some beg, borrow and steal for- They call me MOM! I am so blessed to have a chance to build them up and offer them encouragement to live a life full of love and love themselves. They are the ones standing by my side and loving me. They are why I go to work and fight for a strong financial plan. They are the very reason I try to make the best choices I can make, even when it means turning down something that sounds fun for the moment. They are the reason I love being a mom and continue to press on to healthy self care strategies.
Sunday, May 6, 2012
Adjusting Expectations
Sometimes the picture inside our heads of the way we think it should be interferes with the reality of the way it just is...
Tonight I am going to bed and thankful that I had a morning at church to be reminded that miracles really do happen and there is a far greater picture than what I can see right now in a lonely moment. Trusting God and building my relationship with him is where the rest of the 'puzzle pieces' are put in place. I have to work on adjusting expectations of myself and let go of this idea of trying to be 'perfect' to be good enough.
Today, I was given an afternoon to make lunch with my kids- Biscuit Pizzas, a mini nap on the couch after we ate, able to play in the sprinkler, have popsicles outside, a crock pot roast with potatoes, carrots and rice, mozzarella green beans, and fresh berries for dinner, and more playtime after that, even craft time in the kitchen!
What I would typically do is beat myself up because it's Sunday evening and I have not scheduled the rest of the week out to a tee, finished all laundry and planned, shopped for and prepped all meals/food for the rest of the week... oh and heaven forbid I not clean the whole house too right?
Well tonight I am giving myself a break, I did work until 3am last night (a part time job in addition to my full time mon-fri job) and still managed to get up and take everyone to church in the first place. I am going to let go of the PERFECT PICTURE in my head of how 'I think' everything should look and let be what may be.
Now of course I am not going to drop all planning and prepping efforts, that's not in my nature, but I am going to start embracing life a little more and try things differently, hence this blog begins tonight. If we want different results we have to do things differently, right? As I journey along this week, I am moving grocery shopping to Monday night after work, and laundry will fill in through the week... and the picture in my head will reshape itself with a whole lot more happiness! Why?? Because I choose to let it be that way. Creating a Rockstar life in a little less than normal way...
(P.S. I do believe I am experiencing slight chest pains for this bold new step. I mean let;s face it, my usual crazy busy week could be a complete disaster. And on the other hand it could still be a crazy busy week as usual- guess it's good I have dealt with that sort of thing before!
Tonight I am going to bed and thankful that I had a morning at church to be reminded that miracles really do happen and there is a far greater picture than what I can see right now in a lonely moment. Trusting God and building my relationship with him is where the rest of the 'puzzle pieces' are put in place. I have to work on adjusting expectations of myself and let go of this idea of trying to be 'perfect' to be good enough.
Today, I was given an afternoon to make lunch with my kids- Biscuit Pizzas, a mini nap on the couch after we ate, able to play in the sprinkler, have popsicles outside, a crock pot roast with potatoes, carrots and rice, mozzarella green beans, and fresh berries for dinner, and more playtime after that, even craft time in the kitchen!
What I would typically do is beat myself up because it's Sunday evening and I have not scheduled the rest of the week out to a tee, finished all laundry and planned, shopped for and prepped all meals/food for the rest of the week... oh and heaven forbid I not clean the whole house too right?
Well tonight I am giving myself a break, I did work until 3am last night (a part time job in addition to my full time mon-fri job) and still managed to get up and take everyone to church in the first place. I am going to let go of the PERFECT PICTURE in my head of how 'I think' everything should look and let be what may be.
Now of course I am not going to drop all planning and prepping efforts, that's not in my nature, but I am going to start embracing life a little more and try things differently, hence this blog begins tonight. If we want different results we have to do things differently, right? As I journey along this week, I am moving grocery shopping to Monday night after work, and laundry will fill in through the week... and the picture in my head will reshape itself with a whole lot more happiness! Why?? Because I choose to let it be that way. Creating a Rockstar life in a little less than normal way...
(P.S. I do believe I am experiencing slight chest pains for this bold new step. I mean let;s face it, my usual crazy busy week could be a complete disaster. And on the other hand it could still be a crazy busy week as usual- guess it's good I have dealt with that sort of thing before!
Welcome to my new blog
Welcome to my new blog. This is a collections of thoughts and snapshots of doing life as a single mom, utilizing the God-given 'caffeine' to create a Rockstar life for me + 3. I hope this brings encouragement as well as truth for other single mom's out there just trying to figure this crazy life out. There are good times, bad times and all kinds of other times in between... But at the end of the day, it is up to us to create a Rockstar life!
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